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Our Communications Pros Share Their Summer Highlights

Writer: Ceisler MediaCeisler Media

The Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy staff had a productive, rewarding summer serving clients and reflecting on the work we love.

Ceisler Media Associate Corinne Ahrens (left) and Senior Vice President Meredith Montalto (right) caught up with Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Josh Shapiro.

Client work is at the heart of what we do. The media mentions, op-ed placements, social media campaigns and sleek graphics we produce day in and day out help advance clients' messages and also bring our team with personal and professional fulfillment.

Still, it's nice to take time to reflect on the aspects of work that offer that added layer of personal satisfaction. It's often the smallest moments that bring the biggest joy.

As COO and SVP Kate Wilhelm puts it, "this summer was a blend of continuing to drive excellence for our clients as we work on exciting plans for our future and continued growth."

Check out what we've been up to this summer as some of our staff recap their highlights:

Corinne Ahrens, Associate, Philadelphia: "I enjoyed supporting clients at in-person events — especially those who I’ve worked with for a long time without ever getting to meet face-to-face."

Kenneth Hilario, Senior Account Executive, Philadelphia: "I accompanied the Gift of Life Program’s Team Philadelphia to the Transplant Games of American in San Diego to capture and package video content for media outlets back home."

Dennille Schuler, Consultant, Lehigh Valley: "I got to work my opinion writing muscles writing a bunch of op-eds and letters to the editors for clients."

Drew Murren, Director, Harrisburg: "We were able to generate enough press coverage around the abrupt closure of Pittsburgh’s immigration court that the Post-Gazette editorial board weighed in in our favor."

Allison Steele (left) and Makenna Lukens (right) visit PHMC's Health Center on Cedar.

Makenna Lukens, Associate, and Allison Steele, Senior Account Executive, Philadelphia: "We enjoyed getting to PHMC's Health Center on Cedar, a federally qualified health center at the former Mercy Philadelphia Hospital. Mercy was facing closure until PHMC and a coalition of providers came together to collaborate on how to keep its doors open and continue serving the community.

Meredith Montalto, Senior Vice President, Philadelphia: "I enjoyed planning outdoor press conferences in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh for a client announcing the findings of a new report, featuring local advocates and elected officials in each city. In addition, I enjoyed seeing my fellow Chester County residents at a fundraiser for Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Josh Shapiro."

Samra Smajlovic, Creative Manager, Philadelphia: "My highlight is working on the Ceisler Media website and newsletter updates. It’s been incredible being able to use my knowledge and expertise in design to make the firm stand out, as well as getting our messaging and purpose across to people who may be learning about us."

Shannon Wink, Director of Digital Strategy, Philadelphia: "In addition to hiring three new staffers for our digital & creative services roles, I'm proud that we took our own advice to clients to step back and think strategically. Fall will bring exciting website, newsletter and social media updates for Ceisler Media."




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