The ‘Fair Chance in Housing Act’ passes, with help from the Fair Share Housing Center & Ceisler Media’s team of experts.

New Jersey recently became the first state to pass a law preventing landlords from rejecting potential residents solely based on past criminal history. The landmark criminal justice reform measure, known as Fair Chance in Housing Act, will help limit barriers to reentering society after incarceration.

Ceisler Media was proud to work with the public interest organization the Fair Share Housing Center to develop and implement a multifaceted strategic plan to help get the legislation passed. Our team, led by Special Projects Director Anthony Campisi, with the help of Director Courtney Accurti and Account Executive David Huppert, helped manage activities by engaging stakeholders and members of the media, drafting media materials, and developing stakeholder engagement tools.
The act was signed into law on June 18 by Gov. Phil Murphy, who described it as a step to “level what has been for too long an uneven playing field when it comes to access to housing.”
Its passing received significant media attention, including a 1,100-word story in the New York Times.
The Fair Chance in Housing Act came to fruition through strong legislative leadership, consistent advocacy efforts, and an active media campaign. The collaborative effort places New Jersey at the forefront of criminal justice reform and will make it easier for returning citizens to rebuild their lives by removing discriminatory barriers to housing that drive up recidivism.

Courtney Accurti is a Director in Ceisler Media's Harrisburg office.