A Message from Larry Ceisler

I want to join everyone at Ceisler Media in wishing you, your families, friends and colleagues safety and comfort during this global health emergency. These are unprecedented times. It has been reassuring to see Americans pull together, dig in at home and heed the advice of health experts.
At the same time, I’ve been frustrated at the lack of clarity and leadership coming from some of our elected officials. As a communications professional, I know that transparency is critical and a clear message is key. While some leaders shrugged their shoulders or pretended all was fine, it obviously was not. We are in a different world now; sending a contrary message was counterproductive.
Fortunately, it appears the responsible parties have finally realized what lies ahead. I’ve been heartened by what I’ve heard from government leaders in the past few days.
I know you’ve already received countless emails on COVID-19 from companies you deal with or shop at, from schools and health care systems. In accordance with Gov. Wolf’s protocols, our firm’s three physical offices are now closed.
At the same time, our work continues with our clients, our contacts and our teams in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg to strive for business-as-usual – even during unusual times. Our professionals are set up to work from their homes. We will continue to communicate through video calls, conference calls or whatever best assists your needs.
We are prepared to help you during tough times – that’s what we do.
Again, I know these are challenging days for everyone – both personally and professionally. Please reach out to me or any member of our team and let us know how we can help.
We will all pull through this together. I look forward to sharing a story, a cup of coffee or a beer with you – in person – as soon as possible.
All my best,
Larry Ceisler
Principal, Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy
News About Our Valued Friend and Colleague, Kirk Dorn

As we all deal with the global pandemic, we at Ceisler Media also continue to hope and pray for a return to health by Senior Director Kirk Dorn .
Kirk is at Johns Hopkins University Hospital receiving treatment for a rare genetic heart condition. He is currently in the highest category among those awaiting heart transplants.
This is an incredibly difficult time for Kirk and his family, and all of your well wishes are appreciated. We enjoy sharing each and every one.
Kirk has received multiple transfusions during his hospitalization. His wife, Sylvia, asks that as a gesture of support, Kirk’s friends donate blood to their local Red Cross. There is currently a blood shortage due to cancellations during the coronavirus outbreak. But the Red Cross emphasizes that donating remains a safe process – and the present need makes it even more essential. For more information on this lifesaving gesture, including how you can to donate in Kirk’s honor, visit here.
Personally, I cherish my long relationship with Kirk – as does each member of our team. Kirk is a friend, colleague and sage mentor to everyone at Ceisler Media. All of us look forward to future conversations and good times with one of the warmest, smartest men I know.
– Larry Ceisler
Ceisler Media Is Here To Help

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced every person and business to deal with anxiety and financial repercussions. The team at Ceisler Media has quickly moved to help our clients through uncertain times. And sometimes, we even get to tell their uplifting stories.
Tips and Strategies from a Seasoned Telecommuter

Working from home – a necessity right now for most people – can be a challenge under the best circumstances. Ceisler Media Senior Associate Michael Rodriguezoffers solid tips on how to be an effective telecommuter, and also stay sane as your kids barge into your workspace.
Ceisler Staff Telecommutes
Our team members continue to work for our clients – except now from the safety of their homes. Here are some of our professionals practicing self-distancing, a few with the help of four-legged friends.