Like the rest of the country, we at Ceisler Media are watching with deep concern as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect a world already brought to a standstill.
The number of cases grows each day. Projections show the impact getting worse before things get better. Uncertainty, of course, creates more anxiety.
As the world scrambles for ways to deal with this medically and economically, the consequences have reached every community and every business.
Of course, that includes us. Fortunately no one at Ceisler Media has symptoms. But a rapidly developing crisis spurred us to drop most of our normal agenda to swiftly help our clients respond to developments.
Every sector of the workforce has felt a stunning impact – people working for small businesses or huge corporations; schools; health care systems; government entities, even charities.
Ceisler Chief Operating Officer Kate Wilhelm spent the past few weeks helping clients of all stripes rethink their communications strategies.
“Our job is to help them pivot quickly,” said Wilhelm. “All of this continues to unfold so fast, they need to be ready with strategies and statements. They need to be prepared to inform internal stakeholders and employees, customers and outside interested parties. Clear, accurate information is critical at this point.”
Wilhelm said the range of activities affected by the coronavirus is staggering – from large firms cancelling well-publicized annual events to charities running short on volunteers. The toughest question to answer is often what to do next.
“My goal is to keep clients well-versed so they can best approach an incredibly fluid situation that requires sensitivity – without being alarmist,” she said. “They want to be good citizens, and our job is to help.”
As part of that, we are providing daily updates to media and communities, explaining how our clients are taking all precautionary measures to keep the public safe – and also volunteering their time to help others live healthy lives.
And amidst it all, there are some positive stories.
For example, we’re proud to work with Mastery Charter Schools. This week, we helped get out the message that Mastery, which operates 17 schools in Philadelphia and Camden, has begun serving twice-weekly meals to families to families of all of its 14,000 students.
Staff volunteers are staffing those sites, as well as two schools in the Camden School District. Of course, all safety precautions are being taken, and the meals are grab-and-go.
“Positive stories like this are happening across all communities and industries,” said Ceisler Media Director Brian Dries, who coordinates our efforts with Mastery. “Now more than ever, these narratives need to be part of our news feeds to help show we are all working together to combat this pandemic.”
Another of our clients, the Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania, has an investment in Allentown’s LifeAire Systems, LLC, which has spent the last few years developing proprietary in-duct air purifications systems that remove airborne pathogens --- including the coronavirus.
The systems --- with a 100 percent kill rate for airborne COVID-19 --- are in place in over 50 In Vitro Fertilization Programs in leading hospitals, and in healthcare and senior living facilities throughout North America.
The units not only represent part of the solution to address potential future pandemics, but can be used now to protect modular tents placed outside of hospitals. (The units are not designed for residential use.)
“People want to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. That makes it all the more important to share stories about solutions,” said Kurt Knaus, Ceisler Media Managing Director in Harrisburg. “Ben Franklin’s investments support revolutionary innovations that can improve the human condition.”
More stories keep coming in. And as things change, we at Ceisler Media will continue to help our clients across a broad range of industries devise smart strategies and deliver clear, honest answers.
“We all hope this virus goes away quickly, but we don’t know,” said Wilhelm. “But just as people should be prepared in their lives, every company, charity and institution should be as prepared as they can be. Our job is to help.”