Principal, Larry Ceisler has been traveling between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia for over 30 years. He shares his thoughts on what a hyperloop would mean for Pennsylvania and a statewide firm like ours.

“As someone who heads a business with offices in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and as someone who has lived in both cities, I’m intrigued. And as a person who’s spent a great deal of my life on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, I think it would be great.”
“There’s always been a hope that Philadelphia and Pittsburgh could be linked by a fast affordable, easy way of transport. One of the challenges in Pennsylvania is that we’re considered several states. Each region has its own personality and political base. There’s a natural mistrust among different regions. So anything that brings the state closer together – east, west and in between – is a positive.”
“I’m not sure whether this idea is fiscally or humanly possible. But if it could work, it would mean a lot to the commonwealth economically and culturally. Imagine being able to get from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh quicker than you can now get from Center City to some of the Philadelphia suburbs.”

Larry Ceisler is the founder and Principal of Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy.