Ceisler Media
May 10, 2021
Introducing Corinne and Allison
Ceisler Media is proud to announce two new members of our Philadelphia team Corinne Ahrens and Allison Cunningham.

Sam Gorodetzer
May 6, 2021
Coming to Realize I’m Right Where I Belong
Associate Sam Gorodetzer, who joined the firm at 22, writes about gaining professional confidence and breaking through “imposter syndrome.”

Ceisler Media
Apr 22, 2021
Making the World Better for Our Children—17 Different Ways
We’re proud to be working with so many clients who strive to make the future better for upcoming generations.

Ceisler Media
Apr 22, 2021
Ceisler Clients Helping Kids
Our Ceisler Media partners work every day to benefit children in many ways. Here is just a sampling of their great efforts:

Alison Burdo
Apr 19, 2021
Helping Kids by Keeping Moms in the Workforce
Future Works Alliance PHL knows that improving the lives of children starts with supporting working mothers, writes Ceisler’s Alison Burdo.