Brian Dries
Dec 16, 2019
Forecasting 2020 City Council Starts with Budget Kick-Off
The city has a duty to serve its citizens by improving essential services that impact citizens’ lives the most. This includes allocating fun

Kurt Knaus
Dec 13, 2019
Politics May Dominate Policy in Harrisburg in 2020
With so much at stake in such a monumental election year, and with the pressure of national politics pushing down on the Keystone State, don

Brandon Boyer
Dec 13, 2019
Following in her Footsteps - What I've Learned as Ceisler Media's First Penny Gerber Fellow
The legacies that people leave are defined not just by what they accomplished in their lifetime, but how they use their position to inspire

Ceisler Media
Nov 25, 2019
Gauging PA’s Recent Election — And Their Implications On 2020 – November Newsletter
Sign up to receive the Ceisler Media Newsletter each month!

Kate Wilhelm
Nov 19, 2019
Watching the Presidential Debate as a Communicator – and an Interested Voter
The point is, before you ask someone to engage with you and your message, you need to invest the time to understand their perspective.