Ceisler Media Pittsburgh Team
May 16, 2020
Good Neighbors, Strong Leadership Help Pittsburgh Lead Way
As the COVID-19 virus hit Western PA, residents, businesses, sports teams and elected officials teamed up to protect the most vulnerable.

Mary Gebbia
Mar 13, 2020
A Day in the Life at Ceisler Media
Administrative associate Mary Gebbia runs you through a day in her shoes from the front lines of Ceisler Media's Philadelphia office.

Abby Snopek
Mar 12, 2020
At CMIA, Office Culture Makes Work Feel Like . . . Not Work
Associate Abby Snopek breaks down how Ceisler Media's positive company culture is good for clients and the Ceisler team.

Ceisler Media
Jan 10, 2020
Ceisler Media Promotes Five to Leadership Positions
Kate Wilhelm steps into Chief Operating Officer, Brian Dries becomes Director, Anthony Campisi, Elise Corbett and Drew Murren each earn prom

Kurt Knaus
Oct 31, 2019
New Law Modernizes PA's Elections; Changes Set for 2020
“Pennsylvania has been in the back of the pack in terms of election modernization for decades. Act 77 is a quick sprint away from that shame