Kurt Knaus
Jun 9, 2021
A Unique Dilemma in Harrisburg—How To Spend All Those Extra Billions
As the Capitol returns to normal, lawmakers find themselves with a huge surplus. Senior VP Kurt Knaus forecasts some unique budget debates.

Larry Ceisler
May 19, 2021
Larry Ceisler on the May 18th PA Primary
Larry Ceisler discusses the results of the Pennsylvania primary and what it means for the commonwealth.

Jeff Barg
May 19, 2021
I’m Here to Run this Election. Hey, Let Me In!
Jeff Barg felt the patriotic pull to serve as an election inspector in Philadelphia. His first day on the job went smoothly—sort of.

Sam Gorodetzer
May 6, 2021
Coming to Realize I’m Right Where I Belong
Associate Sam Gorodetzer, who joined the firm at 22, writes about gaining professional confidence and breaking through “imposter syndrome.”

Alison Burdo
Apr 19, 2021
Helping Kids by Keeping Moms in the Workforce
Future Works Alliance PHL knows that improving the lives of children starts with supporting working mothers, writes Ceisler’s Alison Burdo.