Anthony Campisi
Sep 16, 2020
Become Involved – Become a Poll Worker
Philadelphia elections officials have put out a call to recruit young, healthy people to be the boots on the ground in November, keeping our

Sam Gorodetzer
Sep 16, 2020
Young People will Vote – If Older People Show Us the Way
Younger generations need older generations to stress the importance of voting.

Larry Miller
Sep 15, 2020
“Power to the People” – So Why Don’t They Use It?
Reality check. In republics and democracies, the people already have the power. We can elect candidates for political office who actually re

Meredith Montalto
Aug 28, 2020
If a great media campaign falls in the woods, and no one hears it...
How can you get in front of your audience and make sure they pay attention? Your message may be great, but people need to see and hear it in

Larry Miller
Aug 19, 2020
Another Painful, but Rarely Discussed Side of Racism
I must be blunt. Pulling down statues, hiding paintings, altering linguistic terms and assaulting people because they have a different opini